Member Communication Policy
Binna Burra Lodge Board of Directors is responsible for ensuring member communications are adequate, appropriate and based on transparency and sound corporate governance principles.
These principles form the core of the company’s Member Communication Policy and are aimed at providing Binna Burra Lodge members with important information in a timely manner through written and electronic communication.
The company also promotes direct communications with its members and encourages members to direct questions or requests for information to its directors or management through the Company Secretary who acts as the Company’s Member Relations Officer.
Annual Report
a) Binna Burra Lodge Limited annual report is the main communication document provided to members following the end of each financial year.
In addition to meeting all statutory requirements set out by the Corporations Act, International Accounting Standards and Binna Burra Lodge Limited Constitution, the annual report contains information that assists shareholders to understand how the company’s operational and financial results were achieved, the nature of the industry in which it operates and the company’s outlook in relation to it’s business and market trends.
Direct Communication with Members
b) Throughout the year it may be appropriate for Binna Burra Lodge Limited to directly communicate with shareholders. For example, to give notice to members of general meetings or update members by way of a Chairman’s letter.
Website and Social media
c) Binna Burra is committed to monitoring and developing the company’s website with general information about Binna Burra Lodge Limited and its operations. Details of Binna Burra Lodge Limited annual report, corporate profile structure, corporate governance policies, Mission & Core Values statement, constitution, board and management profiles and general company information will also be available for the member to be kept informed.
Binna Burra also actively uses social media (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin etc) as daily communication outlets for shareholders, as well as past, current and future customers.
Annual General Meeting
d) The company’s constitution sets out the procedures to be followed regarding:
Conveying of meetings, the form and requirements of the notice ie. Chairman and quorums, voting procedures, proxies, representatives and polls.
The names of the Company Directors are provided in the Company’s annual report and on the website. All members are entitled to inspect or obtain copies of the company’s minutes of members meetings during normal business hours.
The Chairperson of meetings of the members shall allow reasonable opportunity for members to ask questions on those matters on the agenda that are before members for consideration and to enable informed participation and voting by members in the meeting.
In addition the directors invite the Company’s auditor to attend annual general meetings and be available to answer questions about the conduct of the audit and the auditors report on the company’s financial statements.
While the directors of Binna Burra Lodge Limited aim to provide sufficient information to shareholders about Binna Burra Lodge Limited and its activities. It understands that the members may have specific questions and require additional information.
However, it is not the practice of the directors to respond to each communication.
Communication Guidelines
a) Member may communicate with the board by mail:
C/- Company Secretary
Binna Burra Lodge Limited
1069 Binna Burra Road
Binna Burra Queensland 4211
b) Communications must include:
- Member Identification and shareholdings
- Disclosure as to whether the member is submitting the communication on behalf, or in concert with any other person or persons (including entities) and, if so, identification of such person or persons
- The name and address (e-mail or street) of the member to facilitate a response to the member
c) Qualifying Communication
The Company Secretary will review all communications and will qualify appropriate communications to be forwarded to the Board.
The Types of communication that will not be forwarded to the Board will be;
- Spam;
- Junk Mail and Mass-mailings (advertising);
- Communications relating to the pricing of the Company’s products and services;
- Communications that raise grievances that are personal to the submitter other than those that raise major concerns of Company-wide significance;
- Service complaints or inquiries other than those that raise major concerns of Company-wide significance;
- New Service suggestions;
- Resumes and other forms of Job inquiries;
- Surveys;
- Business solicitations and advertisements;
- Requests for donations and sponsorships outside of the Company’s recognised & approved not for profit and volunteer groups associated with Binna Burra Lodge Limited such as FOBBS
- Illegal(e.g., violative of antitrust laws), frivolous or similarly inappropriate communications; and
- Any communications that do not relate to the Company’s Business and operations
Such communications are referred to as “Non Qualifying”
d) Review of Communications by the Company Secretary, in his/hers capacity as Member Relations Officer or Corporate Governance Officer, or Designee.
- The Company Secretary or designee will review communications sent to the board to screen out Non Qualifying and or inappropriate communications
- All communications will be retained, in a dedicated file for internal audit requirements and may be reviewed by the Board or any member of the Board at anytime on a discretionary basis
- The Company Secretary will review all qualifying communications and will bring relevant matters to the attention of the Board at their next regularly scheduled meeting, or if in the opinion of the Company Secretary the matter raised in the communication requires the immediate attention of the Board, the Company Secretary may communicate directly with the other members of the board to review such matter.
- Acknowledgement. – Upon receipt of a qualifying communication, an acknowledgement will be sent to the submitter. The acknowledgement will indicate that such communication will be forwarded to one or more directors, but that it is not the practice of the directors to respond to each communication.
Binna Burra Lodge Limited welcomes its members as guests & customers of the company’s hospitality business.
The Board and the employees are fully committed to all of the company’s Code of Conduct Policies.
Directors & employees will at all time:
- Act honestly and with integrity in all dealings with Binna Burra Lodge Limited, members and fellow employees
- Encourage and support fair dealings with the company’s customers, members, suppliers, competitors and employees;
- Promote ethical behaviour and actively encourage the reporting of unlawful/unethical behaviour, and protect those who report violations in good faith; and
- Convey to all members the message that integrity and effective control will not be compromised.
Binna Burra Lodge Limited has implemented and abides by a number of personnel policies and procedures, including, but not limited to:
- Safety & Health
- Rehabilitation;
- Equal Opportunity
- Confidentiality
- Discrimination & Harassment
- Bully in the Workplace
- Privacy
Binna Burra Lodge Limited’s workplace culture has always supported and encourage a warm & friendly interaction between the guests, members and the staff.
Binna Burra Lodge Limited’s Board is committed to providing a safe & harmonious working environment for all its employees and will act accordingly to protect the employees under the provisions of the afore-mentioned workplace policies, that are a part of the Industrial Relations instruments, “Binna Burra Lodge Limited Certified Agreement” and “Binna Burra Employee Manual”.
The Board and Senior Management Staff will take all necessary actions to investigate, resolve and/or mitigate any claim under the provisions of the Certified Agreement which includes the afore mentioned personnel policies and Code of Conduct Policies.
Any member communication with staff in the workplace, that are identified as defamatory, demeaning, of a bullying nature, as harassment and /or discriminatory that breaches Binna Burra Lodge Limited’s workplace Industrial Agreements & Policies may result in Legal action being brought against the parties involved in such claims.
The company Directors & Officers will take all necessary steps to protect the rights of members and staff in the best interests of the company’s Corporate Governance and the company’s business.
The Binna Burra member communication policy may be amended from time to time with the approval of the Chairperson subject to ratification by the Board at the next scheduled monthly Board meeting.